Marist Writing Center Logo

Welcome to the Marist Writing Center's Scheduling Site!

The Writing Center offers free writing assistance to anyone in the Marist University community. We offer both in-person and online tutoring . We can work with writers at any stage of the writing process, to brainstorm, draft, organize, develop, revise, or edit, and we can help whether you are on your first or final draft. We are also happy to help assist with any type of writing you might be doing, from academic research essays to capping projects, creative writing to job or graduate school application materials.

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In-Person Tutoring (LIB 332)
We offer in-person writing tutoring on the third floor of the Library, through the glass doors at the top of the stairs. Sign up for a time to meet with a tutor or drop by to chat with a front-desk assistant. You do not need to have a draft of your paper--just bring along your assignment and we'll help you get started. We can also help with in-progress drafts for any course on campus.

Virtual F2F Tutoring (Zoom + Google Docs)

Our Virtual F2F (face-to-face) tutoring services are essentially a video call with a tutor where the tutor and student can virtually connect and work on the same online document simultaneously. It’s a great option for anyone who is just getting started writing and want to brainstorm some ideas. It’s also great if you have a draft that you need to revise, but you're not quite sure where to start. You can make more progress by coming frequently. Tutors have the same schedule every week, which makes it easy to reschedule with the same tutor.

Email Draft Tutoring (Upload a draft, get feedback from a tutor)
Email tutoring, our asynchronous tutoring option, lets students upload a draft to a tutor and receive written feedback on the day of your scheduled email appointment. This feedback is meant to be facilitative—we focus on students’ ideas, we make sure you're meeting the goals of the assignment, and we let you know what’s working well and what could be improved in future drafts. 

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot write your papers for you (or guarantee good grades), and we cannot copy edit papers either, although we will help you identify patterns of error in your writing and strategies you can use to identify and correct grammar errors. 

Brightspace Site: 'Marist Writing Center'

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  1. Sign into Brightspace
  2. Click on Discover in the Navigation Bar  
  3. Search for "Writing Center" 
  4. Click on the site
  5. Click on Self Enroll